The British Big Cat Society fully recognises the need for
research in finding evidence that may prove conclusively that
large exotic cats are indeed not only surviving but thriving
here in the UK.
We do try to investigate reports made by the general public
and try to get first hand accounts from the witnesses. We
have tracked down a number of people that in the past have
claimed to have witnessed a large catlike animal and in doing
so the BBCS as uncovered both video and photographic evidence.
We have a number of members who are actively using state
of the art photographic and video technology to try and capture
an a big cat on film.These are set up in hotspots and areas
with a history of sightings.
By using scale models of big cats we can try and estimate
the approximate size of the creature and the possible identity
to the species, using the distance of the sighting by the
Taken from last year's BBCS Big Cat Watch on Dartmoor.

You may have already seen some types of evidence on this
web site in the form of photographic and video evidence but
the BBCS likes to take a very scientific approach to gathering
and analysing evidence in the form of hair samples, casts
and faeces. All must be painstakingly gathered from areas
after livestock losses, witness accounts, etc. and then the
samples are analysed by a team of experts including zoologists,
biologists and photographic experts.