Captures / road kills / shootings of exotic cats in the UK.
Felicity, as she was called, was capture by farmer Ted Noble at Cannich Scotland in 1980. This followed a string of reports dating back to 1976 in the area. Controversy surrounds this capture to date. Felicity was moved to the Highland Wildlife Park where she ended her days as somewhat a tourist attraction. (1980)

This jungle cat was found at the side of the road in Shropshire and was probably a casualty of a vehicle strike. It is rumoured that this cat mated with domestic cats and had several offspring. One large smokey grey cat called Jasper had all the characteristics and markings of a jungle cat. It later found its way to Dr Karl Shuker. (1989)
Stuart Skinner shot a leopard cat on the Isle of Wight after thinking it was a rampaging fox that had been taking ducks and chickens from a farm on the Island. He did not report the incident for several months thinking he had shot a protected species. (1993)

Summer 1991 - Northern Lynx (Felis Lynx) shot near Beccles, Suffolk, after it killed about 15 sheep over a two-week period. After spending a short time in the farmers freezer it was sold on to a local game dealer - who then had it stuffed and sold it to a local collector - who apparently now has it on display in his house. The BBCS learnt about this previous unreported story last year and have unearthed the only pictures of it to exist.
A lynx was shot dead by R.U.C. marksman near the village of Fintona on the 18th of February 1996. The shooting followed days of reports of a 'young lion' in the area. The lynx, which was wearing a collar, was believed to have escaped from a private collection.
The body was suupposedly stuffed and placed in the R.U.C. museum.
A lynx was captured in London after a witness report of a leopard sat on a garden wall. The lynx was captured after being sedated by a vet with a dart and blow pipe. She was taken to London zoo and treated for a paw injury, she was given the name Lara there. (2001)
Photographic / video evidence
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Remarkable footage of the legendry Fen Tiger. This video was taken by Mr William Rooker in Cambridgeshire in 1994. The video footage lasts approximately two minutes and shows what is almost certainly a large cat-like animal. Mr Rooker describes the animal as black in appearance with a flat face.
Evidence put forward as Big Cat evidence - but isn't!
Hoaxes are few, genuine mistakes are many. Here are some instances of both.

Cwmbran (Wales) a large cuddly toy (Summer 2005) fooled 2 National Newspapers!

The Beast of Bodmin Moor - nah...just a Cardboard Cut-Out, hence the ridgid look and super straight tail!